Still Shots Of Montana Fishburne’s “Film Debut.”

She said she’s do it damn it! And she’s doing it. Here are a few still shots from the upcoming “film debut’ of Lawrence Fishburne‘s daughter, Montana Fishburne. (smh) God, give Daddy strength!

-“The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.

Lorenzen Wright MURDERED; Ex-Wife’s Home Searched For Clues.

Former NBA center Lorenzen Wright was found shot to death Wednesday.

My my my. In new developments concerning the death of former NBA player, Lorenzen Wright, we find that his death was a homicide & that his ex-wife’s home was searched extensively yesterday. Sherra Wright is in police custody.

Word on the BLOK is that police could be seen removing several items, and at one point, were in the backyard inspecting a grill and fire pit. Neighbors had reported a large fire in the backyard after Wright’s disappearance, and said they thought it was unusual for Wright to light a fire on one of the hottest nights of the year. Interesting.

Mr. Wright’s bullet-riddled body was found in the woods in Memphis on Wednesday, six days after his family reported him missing. He was last seen at about 2 a.m. July 19, leaving his ex-wife’s home. His family filed a missing person report July 22. A few days after the report was filed, Sherra told police that about six weeks before the killing she was threatened at her home by three armed men. In addition, she had warned her ex-husband, the father of her children, about the visit by men dressed in sport coats with weapons tucked in their waistbands. Scary.

Lorenzen & Sherra finalized their divorce in January. According to a close friend, Lorenzen had financial issues to deal with as well. As a result two of his homes went into foreclosure.

The Plot Thickens …

-“The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.

Foxy Brown: No Panties, No Flash!

According to Foxy Brown, there was NO WAY possible for her to have “mooned” her nemesis neighbor, Arlene Raymond, because … SHE HAD NO DRAWERS ON! Fox said, “I couldn’t have mooned Arlene Raymond because I wasn’t wearing any underwear, in a Sharon Stone kind of ‘Basic Instinct’ way. She told the cops she’d seen my underwear — but what underwear? I had been to visit my mother and was waiting outside for my boyfriend to pick me up, and she called the cops from inside her house. There was no fight. When the cops showed up I thought they wanted an autograph.”

I Love Foxy Brown!
-“The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.

According To Ex, “Levi Is NOT The Father.”

Levi Johnston's ex-girlfriend says he did not father her baby, despite reports.

Amid rumors swirling outta control about Bristol Palin‘s baby daddy- Levi Johnston– fathering another baby with his ex, the ex-flame has spoken out, vehemently denying the tale. Lanesia Garcia says, “Point blank, it’s not true at all. We haven’t hung out at all since 8th or 9th grade when we broke up.”  Garcia also added, “I mean, it’s stupid. If I wanted people to think that, I would have said something like that when I first found out. I would not say something like that now that I’m getting ready to have my baby. That doesn’t make sense.”

But word is that Bristol is still on the war path- over another EX-GIRLFRIEND! (smh) Briana Plum, another of Levi’s former flame, gave an interview that pissed Bristol off. Not to mention there is some unsavory material of two floating around on FaceBook. So, Bristol feels like everything should be put on pause for the moment.
I agree!
-“The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.

The T.O. Phone App.

Terrell Owens

Terrell Owens wasn’t completely focused on football in the hours before he reported to training camp for the Cincinnati Bengals. The night before he took off for Ohio, he stayed up with developers at RockSoftware in LA to finish his own phone app, which will include his NFL schedule, sound, videos, daily photos and style tips. Owens signed a one-year, $2 million contract with the Bengals last week and will play alongside fellow reality-TV NFLer Chad Ochocinco, who also has his own phone app.

-“The BklynBandette.” Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.