ASk A Scorpio Advice from a Scorpio Since we know Everything


This is a new column where Heaven Hollywood will give advice about daily topics

The best way to pick up someone at a club

OK This is a topic that people  always ask me. Over  the years I have had (if i say so myself) A lot of luck picking up or meeting women that resulted to something pretty positive in a nightclub setting. So here are a few tips that Both men and women yes women should follow as well.

1 always dress Casual. Even if the club allows jeans,sneakers,hats  I never come to the club like I’m going to the mall. I find that a lot of Men (especially African-American men have a problem with Dressing up especially if they have the reputation of a ya know “thug”   So always play it safe Cackies,Dockers or if your going to wear jeans Neatly dressed jeans with like some Wallabies or John Martins  is the way i always go. Never wear sneakers    Women jeans are cool most men hate women in baggy jeans that was ok for the 80’s but Flatline nowadays

2  Never looked pressed    I don’t care if it’s the finest woman/dude in the club Please act like you see and deal with fine people everyday. Men don’t grab hands don’t whistle, don’t say pssst  that only PSSSes a woman off. If you see a woman you like men take a glance ,give her a smile and keep it moving on the initial look. trust me if she is interested she will make her way to your  eye sight again. Trust

3  Now Fronting or stunting.  If you want to put yourself in a positive situation men  Never try to prove how much money you have because that only comes off as stunting or fronting. Don’t drop your car keys to reveal that it’s a Benz key or lambo key. Don’t engage in conversations about how many bottles you’re gonna get or speak on how you shut the club down last night. That is something that Most SCORPIOS DO NOT DO. Since we pull all of the baddest chicks it’s best you take our advice. If you’re not getting comp bottles my suggestion is  Don’t POP Bottles in the club. Why? it gives off false appearance and makes you appear desperate and you must use money in order to pull a female. If you start popping bottles and there are no females around and by the end of the night you have 5 or 6 next to you? How do you feel as though that is a sincere situation?  Go to the bar order your favorite drink and have one on deck. by your homeboy a drink that gives off the feel that you are generous and not the feel that you are trying to show off. Never let em know how much doe you hold” (biggie)

4 No lying.  One thing about Scorpios we keep it 100 (most of us) if you have a woman/man let that be known. Do not back yourself into a corner thinking “this will just be a one night stand” or “nothing is going to become of this anyway”  true conversation will always rule in the end. If a woman is going to fuckk with you she is going to fuck with you anyway and if she doesn’t she will leave that club with the utmost respect for you that you kept it REAListic with them from the jump

5  Men please stop coming to the club 20 deep allllll dudes. Come on son Scorpios have success because we keep fly women in our circle. I don’t care if they are just friends it always looks better when you come to the club/bar with a fly woman on your arm. it looks borderline sus when your whole click are men and your hugging on each other and talking in each others ear all night while intoxicated  this is a no-no

6 Invite her to another event before you even exchange numbers   this let’s her know you are interested in her even if she hasn’t even given you her number yet if she accepts? your good

Finally put your number in her phone  and let her call you. I know a lot of women hate when a dude gets their number then go and calls it to make sure it’s right. Are you calling her a liar already?

I follow these patterns whenever I would go to a club looking to meet someone. Since I no longer desire to meet and pick up women from nightclubs I can now share my secrets:)

Holla at me if this doesn’t work  but i know it will

Brian “B-Pumper” Pumper Releases Jay-z diss record saying Beyonce “aint satisfied”

One game the Illuminati can never stop is the sex-game lmao Brian Pumper who  released the video “oh and it’s shaved” with Montana ‘Chippie D” Fishburne as the main girl is back at it again with a video seemingly shot the same day at the same location. For what ever reason Pumper is riding on none other than Jay-z. Yeah that’s right I said it. When asked why did he do it pumper responded “because I felt like it”

Montana Fishburne

Well Montana Fishburne is getting what she always wanted. She is the talk of Hollywood and her sex-tape hasn’t even been released yet. She is now on TMZ everyday. Her Twitter account went from 200 followers to 2000 followers in about 2 hrs and now everybody wants to get at her for an interview, a video or a party. Well Chippie I certainly hope you know what you’re doing. But BTW i would so hittttt…

Is this the idiot Jeremy that was pimping her out and apparently beating her? The same one that was with her best friend and left her and moved Monatana in his house cause he felt as though he could make money off her because of who she was? This guy is a scum bag and just using Montana so he can get into the industry and possible rub noses with celebrities. I will guarantee you he will take on the roll of her manager and everything has to go through him. look at this pathetic loser laughing and smiling in the background like he is the creator of this masterpiece. Montana take my word of advice dump this piece of shit before it’s too late