Exclusive Hear The Gun Shots at The Chris Brown Party





This puts you right in the party to the point where you can hear the shots ring out. The shooting left Suge Knight with 6 bullet wounds and several people with cuts and minor injuries from hitting the ground and trying to get out of 10ak In West Hollywood last night

So This is Ok? Joan Rivers Calls President Obama Gay and says Michelle is a Transgender

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In the world  of Politically correct comments where you can’t say anything  wrong about Gay’s Blacks or Beyonce   I guess it is ok to say negative hateful  things about  the president. Joan Rivers  washed up mannequin faced comedienne  was trying to promote her dead book “Diary of  a mad Diva” and I guess trying to stir up some controversy  Continue reading

Bitch ass Bieber possibly in trouble again

Bitch ass Bieber possibly in trouble again


OK didn’t I tell y’all a month ago  to kick this dudes ass one good time? I don’t know what has come over Justin Bieber’s punk ass  but He need somebody to put a foot up his ass. Now he takes his obnoxiousness  to a club in the Hampton’s  and A brawl allegedly breaks out involving his Huge bodyguards( who he hires to hide behind and talk shit) and some party goers. TMZ has the report . Meet me back here after you check it out for MY WORD To Douchebag Bieber Continue reading

2Chainz Robbed On Camera By Skipping Asailant.. Then Denies It





Who You Gonna Believe ? Me? Or your Lying Eyes? Rapper 2Chainz and his Crew are seen is Seen being robbed on camera by what appears to be 2 gunmen. Chainz and crew were walking down the street in San Francisco  In Broad Daylight and was approached and chased by Gunman but the funniest part is  watch the Gunman who eventually catches up to chainz  he appears to be playfully  skipping after him  SMH


MY WORD: 2 chainz of course ran to twitter and instagram and started posting pics of items that were said to be stolen  and denies getting robbed   so who you believe  Chainz or your lying eyes?


Exclusive!! Chris caught out creeping with Karrueche



Wow I guess Rihanna and Karrueche have no problem sharing Chris Brown because Chris linked up with Karrueche at a Gas stop and then headed over to the studio together. Chris and Kae took two different cars but then both stopped at a gas stop and then Chris gave his security guard $20.00 to give Karrueche for gas. This comes just 1 day after Chris was spotted out in public with his again girlfriend Rihanna.  WTF is going on her? Chris is definitely the man   he has his cake and gets to eat it too


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Wow! Chris must be piping these chicks down

Exclusive: Gunplay says 50 cent laid grown man hands on him and his chain got taken


Here is more. Gunplay the member of M.M.G that got jumped by G unit members have now said  that it was not Yayo or Banks it was actually 50 and his security  that jumped him. Gunplay called up The Breakfast Club in New York and set the record straight  and said “if it was Miami  50,jeezy and  the rest would have been laid out”


I give him props for being 100 but damn Gunplay come on dog you need your people  with you  you know how dudes get down these days



Breaking News: Whitney Houston’s daughter involved in nasty car accident



Whitney Houston’s  daughter Bobbi Kristina was involved in a car accident  with her boyfriend/step brother Nick Gordon. TMZ obtained photos  the question is how did the car make it back home looking like this. Sources say the couple were fighting prior to the accident  neighbors called the police when they heard a loud noise. The police arrived the car had its hazardous on  they knocked on the door but Bobbi nor Nick never answered the door


I hate to say it  but this girl may beat Lindsay Lohan to the grave  it’s that serious. Let’s get this girl some help please




Wiz Khalifa wanted by Police?



English: Rapper Wiz Khalifa performing at the ...


Uh oh wiz  this is no time for you to be going to jail or dishing out unnecessary money or going to jail  you got a little baby on the way  but… The police may be looking for Wiz Khalifa  for questioning. A woman alleged that he hit her vehicle and kept going on a hit and run incident


Here is a pic of Wiz’s 69 Chevy








It looks as though  Wiz may be a fault here  please if it’s true Wiz  turn yourself in for questioning  it’s the right thing to do



Stalker Alert! Male Intruder arrested at Miley Cyrus Home

Breaking News


Oh  Em Gee   One of these days  one of these nut cases  are going to be successful. I truly don’t understand how this is happening, TMZ reports  a guy armed with scissors  was arrested at Miley Cyrus home in LA. The man apparently jumped her fence  and said he wanted to meet her.

Read Story Here

That’s Usher,Serena Williams,Kim Kardashian,Miley Cyrus ,LLCool J  I mean really  where are the security in these homes?

It is this easy to get into the homes of celebrities while it takes me weeks to even get their proper email