Security in New York Drops The Ball AGAIN

Seeing no evil in Times Sq.

Seeing no evil in Time Square  was the highlight on the cover of The New York Post this morning.A sinister looking fan parked illegally in plain sight for two days in the heart of Times Square (where several hundred of thousands of people will gather tonight)failed to be recognized by NYPD    OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?   The vehicle sat there with  no license plates,in a no parking zone,with plastic bags over the tints and a bogus police placard in the windshield ..It took once again people who worked at 7 Times Square to notify Police.    Fortunately the van only contained bootleg Burberry scarves and some folding tables but the van was big enough to carry hundreds of pounds of explosives.   New Yorker’s are livid stating that “they can’t believe how the city could be so incompetent that this could go unnoticed especially with the recent terrorist attack attempts.

My Take”  U have got to be fucking serious excuse my french but my god. NYC and America  I’m gonna need y’all  to get your shit together”

Joe Buddens still poppin off at the mouth.. But he still keeping it real,”Raekwon is a punk”

Joe Buddens fresh off a black eye from Raekwon and the wu  Is basically calling out Raekwon.. saying he wants A fair fight  with Chef.

I don’t know Joe if you want it but i give it to Joe Beezy he is talking some real shit.. This could get ugly

Wow!!  well Rae!! lol  FIGHT!!!!

I dunno Joey  you know Rae is know to be a thorough nigga