KATT Riding ShotGun!

WHAT is it about WALMART & the holidays which brings out the worst in folks?

Anywho, comedian Katt Williams was arrested today in a shotgun altercation at a local Walmart outside Atlanta. Someone put in a 911 call reporting there were “problems” with the comedian and that a shotgun was produced. Williams & his “crew” were beefing with someone else & their crew, right outside the Walmart in Newnan, Georgia. Katt & Co. were arrested on site. This is X-tra unfortunate seeing how Katt was arrested just two days ago because of a bond situation related to his burglary & trespassing issues earlier last month. SMDH.
“The BklynBandette”. Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.

Morehouse Dress Code: Solution Or Problem?

In an effort to “get back to the legacy” of Morehouse leaders, Morehouse College is now implementing a strict dress code. “We expect our young men to be renaissance men”, said Dr. William Bynum, vice president of the Office Of Student Services.

The policy details 11 expectations of students, including:
* no caps, do-rags and/or hoods in classrooms, the cafeteria, or other indoor venues
* no sun glasses worn in class or at formal programs
* no jeans at major programs, as well as no sagging pants on campus
* no clothing with derogatory or lewd messages either in words or pictures
* no wearing of clothing usually worn by women (dresses, tops, tunics, purses, pumps, etc.) on the Morehouse campus or at college-sponsored events.
Students that violate the new rules risk academic suspension.

For the most part the students are on board with the new rules & regulations. Cameron Thomas-Shah,  the student government co-chief of staff, is one of them. While working as a resident’s assistant (RA) he said he noticed freshmen dressed in a way that was unflattering to Morehouse. “The image of a strong black man needs to be upheld,” he said. “And if anyone sees this policy as something that is restrictive then maybe Morehouse is not the place for you.” Of course there will be resistance. Daniel Edwards, co-president of Safe Space, a gay straight alliance student campus organization said he has heard from students that are for and against the policy, but he believes it is discriminatory. It is the restriction to women’s clothing that has many students up in arms. “Some believe that this restriction is what the entire policy is correlated around,” added Edwards. “It is all an issue of perception and what manner of image you want to prescribe to.” But the new policy is not meant to be discriminatory, said Bynum. “This is necessary, this is needed according to the students,” he said. “We know the challenges that young African-American men face. We know that how a student dresses has nothing to do with what is in their head, but first impressions mean everything.”

A member of the Black Ivy League, Morehouse College is a private, all male, historically black college in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the two black colleges in the country to produce Rhode Scholars, Morehouse serves as the alma mater of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Spike Lee, Edwin Moses, & Maynard Jackson to name a few.

I am all for the dress code. In the age of President Obama I am embarrassed anyone has to tell Black folks how to dress. Gay or Straight, I want my Black Brothers back & I’m so tired of living in an era where they want to be anything but MEN. Over grown ass “boys” bobbin’ around with twisted caps, saggin’ pants, & over priced sneakers referring to themselves as “Li’l ____”, or “Young ____”.  I know guys in their 40’s who are still being called “Jr.” And NOT by their parents. C’mon Son! It’s as though a lot of my brethren have a fear of growing up, yet still want the title, respect & accolades of being a responsible adult. And this style of dress has nothing to do with true Hip-Hop Culture. This is prison culture which has crept in & is now passing itself off as authentic Black culture. If you do not wish to be profiled as a criminal you need not dress like one. Image is everything. And although the image is not an accurate depiction of the inward person, it Is an accurate depiction of what you want to project. Do better.

The cross dressers- Lord hold my mule. Unless you are working in the entertainment industry, leave your mama’s dress, shoes, blouse, purse, wig, lipstick, eyeshadow, fake lashes, & lee press on nails at HOME! There is no place for it here. I don’t begrudge anyone for feeling how they feel. If that is truly how you feel comfortable then so be it. But just know there is a time & place for everything. Every establishment- whether written or unwritten- has some sort of dress code. I wouldn’t wear my Sunday’s best to the “Boom Boom Room”. And I certainly wouldn’t wear my “Pop Lock & Drop It” outfit to the Parent Teacher Meeting. We all desire to be comfortable, but what image are you presenting? And are you willing to be treated as such? Don’t put something out there you really aren’t ready to wear. Just like folks will compliment when you look great, they will Dis when you don’t. And when you start to look Full- Fledged Ridiculous, never mind …

Personally speaking I’ve always been a B-Girl. When you’re as heavily engrossed in Hip-Hop as I am you embrace every aspect of the culture, including the fashion. I’ve always been a “’round the way” girl; the type with extensions in her hair, bamboo earrings at least two pair. I went through the Multi Colored phase, the Afro-centric phase, the Gangsta Bitch phase, The “Bling Bling” phase, and NOW, it’s Grown Gangstress. 30+ I had to switch it up. However, I stayed close to the culture, changing & growing with the times. Through it all I’ve always been ME. When going to church with mom every Sunday I’d tone it down. Still allowed to wear my Flava Flav clock medallion, I’d wear smaller earrings & bracelets. I still maintained my identity while being “Holy Ghost Appropriate”. But even had mom stripped me naked my essence wouldn’t have changed. In corporate attire, a nun’s habit, or a bozo the clown outfit, I’d still be Hip-Hop! So I don’t see the problem.

Bottom line: when are we gonna stop with this B.S. politically correct mess & start drawing some lines in the sand? When are we going to start having definitive guidelines as to what’s right & what’s wrong? Sure, no one is professional all the time. But if you know how to get your “fresh” together for the club, or just hanging out, certainly you know the proper dress for work & school. We’re all free to be who we want to be on our own time. I can’t wear a low cut blouse in the work place, my girls would be a huge distraction. Fair enough. Then guys should not be showing me their full derriere. And if I can’t come to work with my big “Jinglin’ Baby” earrings on and conducting myself like my name is “Jawakatema”, my brothers from the other side of the struggle should not be twirling around like “Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert”. In order to have better, we must DO better. Get It Right People.

What Do Y’all Think? Let Mother Know …

-“The BklynBandette”. Mr. Hollywood’s Co-Defendant.