How Beyonce has jacked the music industry For years without getting caught


I have pointed this out since Beyonce first started getting the recognition of this”creative icon” and unique vocalist” “authentic”

“NEWSFLASH”  This is what people have been saying in the music industry over the last couple of years.  I am not  gonna sit here and say that Beyonce isn’t talented because she is a talented dancer,singer (not actress) and vocal arranger.However i have been around music long enough to see,hear and recognize what the average ear does not.This has been mentioned mildly in the past but of course anyone talkin down about  the”Queen” must be just a “hater”  So of course it always gets pushed to the side. I will show you how Beyonce not only is the biggest swagger jack-er in the industry now but how she has perpetrated her entire career, from the start…

Theory..   Her vocal style,arrangement,video ideas and swagger are all jacked from the beginning with destiny’s child to right now..

The  Proof. The beginning.

At first Beyonce and her girls bite the pillow surrounding idea first done earlier by labelmates ALLURE(remember them)


Destiny child’s version after matthew Knowles  saw the plans for allure in the columbia records office and inquired about a similar shoot


Now let’s remember Allure came out wayyyy before Bills,Bills,Bills  Peep game. Destiny Child(to their credit i suppose) saw that Allure was having contract issues,and problems with their record company and moved right in.Notice how beyonce swaggered jacked lead singer of Allure Alia’s  style the entire first album.. Photo shoots,hair color and style (alia had started rockin the braids and blondish brown color until beyonce felt the need to start rockin it

Exhibit 2

The “beyonce” riff is born or reborn?

Everybody that has heard a beyonce interview and has heard the question asked to her”who were your influences” her first answer is always Michael jackson her second answer Was always S W V and she also mentions Tina Turner(who she never could have possibly seen in her hayday)   I hear people talk about how beyonce’s riff is so unique and authenthic  well once again  if you listen to music you will see beyonce did what we call in the industry as a WHITEOUT  that means you copy and paste someones vocals and add something different to yours to make it stand out and take it from them.. when your done you introduce it to the world. This is what beyonce has not only done but mastered. Beyonce has become the master of The whiteout technique and nothing is more evident then in her famous “Beyonce riff”        PLay  the video below  of Coko  of SWV where u can clearly hear where MRS carter got her entire “bey” riff from

Now the Infamous”bey riffs” (whiteout if you ask me)

Get  my point? The vocal arrangement,style and riff style especially on c5 is ALL coko.

How she did it?           well  to beyonce’s credit she is no fool. She has mastered the art of Whiting out and here is how she does it.. She takes a hot style that a generation previously has liked(like coko) she listens to the songs and the vocals and concentrates on the vocals. Then she flips the octave riffs a octave higher in her own voice but still mimicking the riffs in itself.. Just like how she did in c5 of both videos(if you need to play it again) Because this generation really doesn’t remember coko beyonce is able to call this”Beyriff”(as she referred to it on the tonight show)  when really her style,swag, and vocal arrangements all came from the great coko..proof is in the pudding  listen again if you choose

Exhibit 3

Not only does she whiteout with her pics(like destiny’s child did Allure) not only does she whiteout with her vocals(like she did coko) but she even does it with her dancing and her videos..

BEYONCE’S most recent display of entertainment theft came with her world reknown “single ladies” video  from her latest album “i am sasha fierce” When beyonce was previously asked when the album first came out “how does she come up with this dope choreography? she replied” i dunno i kinda just dance how i feel at the time and anything is bound to come out and i just run with it” oh really? but then when questioned about it on 106 and park beyonce felt backed into a corner and then finaly replied with the truth” i was inspired by Bob Fosse’s dancer from a movie called “sweet charity” beyonce went on to then say how Bob Fosse has influenced several of her video ideas” Umm B? what happen to “i just kinda do what comes out. Check out this video of beyonce Single ladies along with Bob Fosse’s dancers

How she did it?   of course by taking something that she really didn’t think people would pick up on and again performing the “whiteout” technique  take the main body of the dancing, the look of the video and just adding some “beyonce bump and grind and shake your hips moves and there you have it. Most people don’t remember Bob Fosse and by the time they figure it out that beyonce  bit his creative idea and dance moves it will be too late..

Let’s see get me bodied

look familiar? get my point?  My point is A lot of top artist are influenced by other greats. Michael Influenced chris brown,usher,omarion,ne-yo,marcus houston  but they will tell you that. never have you heard beyonce mention Bob Fosse until she was questioned about it.. It’s paying Homage when you mention it and give thanks  it’s copying when other people have to point it out first.

Because Beyonce does not Blatantly jack and because she is smart enough to take from people that this generation really know or cares nothing  about she is able to get away with it.  Well she been getting away with it too long. hey beyonce i sure wish you could cut n paste somebody’s acting so you can be a better actress.  haaaaaa

as for now!!!  we all know beyonce is not very fond of  Rihanna(for obvous reasons) 38168_rihanna11

1. jigga may love Rihanna more then he loves beyonce haaaaaa  and 2 Rihanna’s popularity among the masses white and black has now caught up to beyonce’s popularity(check the record sales)Beyonce got a modeling deal,Rihanna got a modeling deal.. so beyonce has nothing on Rhi. Rihanna was the first to get a hit from ne-yo  beyonce ran and got a hit from ne-yo. Rihanna was the first to get a hit from The Dream beyonce ran and got a hit from The Dream.. Listen to the low octave halo riffs as she scales the vocal ranges from top to bottom just like Rihanna has done for years.. Nuff said.

Hooray for Hollywood       scream at me