Breaking News PR/marketing Guru Pam Nikki Baker confirms Ap-9 has naked pics of Coco


Wow I am stunned at this news that just came down.  The above picture is said to be the picture that Rapper Ap-9 sent Ice-t of his wife Coco  for valentine’s day  smh.If you remember Indy rapper AP-9 had been saying ever since the pictures of him and Coco got leaked that he had sex with Ice t’s wife. Coco had been denying this  the whole time. AP-9 has been on several radio stations saying he did have sex with coco and he had pictures and video. Now we find out  that allegedly the pics and video  are both true, that it happened 3 different times and that Ice-t has even spoken to Ap-9 and asked him for the pictures … WOW Coco  just wow    check out this crazy story

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